A Year in Review Revised SSC Guidelines A Beacon of Light?
April 10, 2017
James D. Leo, MD, FACP, FCCP
Medical Director of Best Practice and Clinical Outcomes
Chair, Sepsis Best Practice Team MemorialCare Health System
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016?
- JAMA, Feb. 23, 2016: Sepsis-3, New criteria for defining sepsis
- Sepsis is redefined as : “life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection.”
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016? Sepsis-3
- Organ Dysfunction: Rise in SOFA of ≥ 2 points
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016? Sepsis-3
- Severe Sepsis: No longer used
- Sepsis:
- Suspected or documented infection and
Acute increase of ≥2 SOFA points (a proxy for organ dysfunction)
- Septic Shock:
- Sepsis and
- Vasopressor therapy needed to elevate MAP ≥65 mm Hg and
- Lactate >2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL) despite adequate fluid resuscitation
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016? Sepsis-3
- qSOFA Score: A means of rapidly identifying ED and hospital ward (non- ICU) patients with suspected infection at increased risk
- At least 2 of 3 criteria:
- RR ≥ 22/min
- Altered mentation
- SBP ≤ 100 mmHg
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016? Sepsis-3
The U.S. response to the new definition:
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016? Sepsis-3
- U.S. professional societies didn’t adopt Sepsis-3 (ACEP, ACCP)
Chest May 2016
- CMS had already released SEP-1 Core Measure criteria based on Sepsis-2 definitions
How Good is SOFA?
JAMA 1/17/17
Conclusion: in the ICU, SOFA is better than SIRS or qSOFA
Prognostic Accuracy of Sepsis-3 Criteria for In-Hospital Mortality Among Patients With Suspected Infection Presenting to the Emergency Department
Yonathan Freund, MD. PhD. Najla LemaÖiatti, MD. Evguenia Krastinova, MD, PhD: Marie Van Laer, MD. Yann-EnckClaessens, MD, PhD, Aurélie Avondo, MD; Céline Occelli, MD; Anne-Laure Ferai-Pierssens, MD;
Jennifer Tmchot. MD: Mar Drtega, MD. Bruno Carneiro, MD. Julie Pernet. MD: Rerre-Géraud Claret. MD. PhD;
Fabriœ Dami, MD. Ben Bloom, MD. Bmro Riou. MD, PhD: Sébastien Beaune. MD. PhD. farthe French Sooery of Ernergency Medicine Collaborators Group
Table Z. Diagnostic Performances forthe Pred’ætiori of In-Hospital Death
JAMA 1/17/17
For Prediction of Oeath | qS0FA | SDFA | SIRS | ![]() |
Sensitivi\y, % (95a CI) | 70 (59-8d) | 73 (61•82) | 92 (85-98) | 47(36 59} | |
Specific ivy, % (95% CI) | 79 (76-82) | 70 (67 -72) | 27 (24- J 1) | 82(80-B5) | |
Prcdictive value, | (95% CI) | ||||
Posit ise | 24 (1 830) | 18 (14-22) | 11 (8- IJ) | 20([4-27) | |
h egat il e | 97 (95-98) | 97 /9s-98) | 98 (95-99) | 94(92-96) | |
L ike ihood ratio (95s CI) | |||||
Posit ise | J.40 (2.80-4.17) | 2.40 (2.00-2.90) | 1.2 9 (1.17 – L. 3 7) | 2.70 (2.00- 2.52) | |
hegat ise | 0.J7 (0.3 6-g.52) | o.39 /o.›7-o.s6j | d.25 (0.1 1 -0.58) | 0.64 (g.51-0.79) | |
AüROC. (9 5% CI) | 0.80 (0.74-0.85) | 0.7 7 (0.71-0.82) | g.65 (0.59-0.70) | o.6s /o.s9-o.7oj |
How Good is qSOFA?
- Retrospective review of ED and ward patients with suspected infection
- Compared SIRS, qSOFA, MEWS, and NEWS
- Primary endpoint: in-hospital mortality, and combined endpoint of mortality or ICU admission
Select cutoNs to predict mortality or ICU transfer
en ï | i | Specificity | |
SIR5 z 2
q5OFA 2 2 |
![]() 67% |
NEWS L 7 | 7796 | 53& | |
NSWS z 8
NEWS 2 9 |
5A96 |
78B |
How Good is qSOFA?
- qSOFA has a poor sensitivity
- qSOFA is a late indicator of deterioration
- qSOFA is inferior to the NEWS score (despite the NEWS score being based on data which is equally easy to obtain at the bedside)
Sepsis: What Happened in 2016? VANISH Trial
- Factorial 2 x 2 Design, DBRCT
Vasopressin + Placebo
+/- Norepinephrine PRN |
Norepinephrine + Placebo
+/- Vasopressin PRN |
Vasopressin + Hydrocortisone
+/- Norepinephrine PRN |
Norepinephrine + Hydrocortisone
+/- Vasopressin PRN |
Outcome: No difference in renal failure-free days.
No difference in mortality
Statins in Sepsis
- Follow-up of patients from Statins for Acutely Injured Lungs from Sepsis (SAILS) Trial
- Compared rosuvastatin vs. placebo in patients with sepsis-induced ARDS
Evaluated SF-36 physical function and mental health domains at 6 months
- Findings:
- No difference in 6-month survival
- No difference in physical function
- No difference in mental health
- No difference in 6-minute walk test
- “…survivors [demonstrated] substantial impairments in physical function and mental health.”
Statins in Sepsis
- Another subgroup study from the SAILS Trial
Evaluated impact of rosuvastatin on delirium
- Findings:
- Most patients had delirium
– no between-group difference
- About 1/3 patients had cognitive impairment at 6 months
Thiamine for Sepsis
- Thiamine 200 mg IV q12h vs. placebo x 7 days
- Endpoint: Lactate levels, time to shock reversal, SOI, mortality
- Findings:
- No difference in overall groups
- In patients with baseline thiamine deficiency (35% of total):
- Lower lactate
- Decreased mortality
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2/1/16
- Ancillary study to PROCESS Trial
- Evaluated impact of protocolized EGDT vs. standard care
- Finding: No difference in incidence/severity of AKI

Out with the Old, In with the New
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016
Focusing on the changes from 2012
- Adopted Sepsis-3 definitions of sepsis and septic shock
- Sepsis: life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection
- Septic shock: subset of sepsis with circulatory and cellular/metabolic dysfunction associated with a higher risk of mortality
- However, recognized that most of the studies forming the basis of guideline used traditional SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016
- EGDT is gone as a specific recommendation
- Guide additional fluid by frequent reassessment of hemodynamic status
If clinical examination dose not lead to clear diagnosis of volume status, use additional hemodynamic measures
- Use dynamic rather than static variables to predict fluid responsiveness, where available
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016
- Optimize antimicrobial dosing based on accepted pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamics principles and particular drug properties in patients with sepsis/septic shock
- Increased incidence of renal and hepatic impairment
- Increased volume of distribution due to rapid expansion of ECV
- Initiate therapy with full, high-end loading dose to avoid frequent subtherapeutic levels
- Optimize antimicrobial dosing based on accepted pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamics principles and particular drug properties in patients with sepsis/septic shock
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016
- 7-10 days of antimicrobial therapy for most serious infections, but shorter duration for some (rapid clinical resolution after intra- abdominal source control, urinary sepsis, uncomplicated pyelonephritis)
- Suggest use of procalcitonin to support shortening duration of antimicrobial therapy
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016
Use prone positioning for ARDS with PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 150 (previously 100)
- No recommendation regarding use of Non-Invasive Ventilation (previously limited use based on risk/benefit assessment)
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016
Enteral feeding
- Use prokinetic agents for feeding intolerance
Place post-pyloric feeding tubes for feeding intolerance or if high risk for aspiration
A Beacon of Light
The Marik Protocol
Marik Protocol
Paul Marik, MBBCh
Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Antiproliferative Antiagregant Anti•angiogenesis F°ru rLIGa W r W/V¥ MGa poprotein
Hem‹› t» iy Fibrinoli i metabolism
P’ Preies
Antip erative Prd§Urties
A t” nt Anti-a ogenesis
Tight i• nction
Red blood
cell in lumen
tions (pores)
Basement membrane
Tight junction End
Pinocytotic vesicles
Tight junction
Incomplete *“”
(c) membrane
Pericyte Endothelial
Red blood
cell in lumen
Large interrellutar cleft
Nucleus of
endothelial cell
Marik Protocol
- Vitamin C 1.5 g IV q6h
- Thiamine 200 mg IV q12h
- Hydrocortisone 50 mg IV q6h
- For 4 days, or until patient is discharged from the ICU
Marik Protocol
- Entry criteria
- Severe sepsis or septic shock
- Procalcitonin ≥ 2 ng/ml
- Exclusions:
- < 18 years old
- Pregnant
- Limitations of care
- Retrospective before-after clinical study
- 7 months, 47 patients in each group
- Entry criteria
Marik Protocol
- No differences between the two groups
- Study group mortality: 8.5%
- Control group mortality: 40.4%
- No deaths in the study group due to sepsis
- No patient in the study group developed progressive organ failure
- Mean time to vasopressor independence: 18 hours vs. 54 hours
Marik Protocol: Mechanism?
Vitamin C
- Potent antioxidant/free radical scavenger
- Restores other cellular antioxidants
- Essential co-factor for iron and copper-containing enzymes
- Inhibits NF-κB activation
Vitamin C and NF-κB
Marik Protocol: Mechanism?
Vitamin C
- Potent antioxidant/free radical scavenger
- Restores other cellular antioxidants
- Essential co-factor for iron and copper-containing enzymes
- Inhibits NF-κB activation
- Increases endothelial and epithelial tight junctions
- Preserves endothelial function and microcirculatory flow
- Catecholamine synthesis and vasopressor sensitivity
Marik Protocol: Mechanism?
Vitamin C is required for catecholamine synthesis
Why add Hydrocortisone?
- Vitamin C needs help getting into cells
Marik Protocol: Mechanism?
- Expression is down-regulated by pro- inflammatory cytokines
- Expression is up-regulated by corticosteroids
- Study of cultured endothelial cells + endotoxin
Vitamin C alone: no help Steroids alone: no help
Vitamin C + steroids: Restored function
Marik Protocol: Mechanism?
Why do we need extra vitamin C?
- Levels are very low or undetectable in critical illness
- Intestinal receptor is saturable, so can’t restore levels with oral dosing
Why does thiamine help?
Shunts metabolism of vitamin C away from oxalate (potential for renal crystallization)
Marik Protocol: Application
What are the ethics of implementing this protocol?
“Hardcore evidence-based medicine disciples may be aghast at using a therapy without a large multi-center RCT, whereas more integrative, theoretically-minded clinicians may be willing to consider it.”
— Josh Farkas, MD
Bioethical Principles
- Non-maleficence (“First, do no harm”)
- Harms of commission
Harms of omission
- Beneficence
- Autonomy
- Justice
- Non-maleficence (“First, do no harm”)
- Vitamin C: Oxaluria with potential for renal deposition and crystallization in patients with impaired renal function – but renal function improved more in the protocol group than in controls, and thiamine shunts vitamin C metabolism away from oxalate to CO2 production
- Thiamine: Rare reports of hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis, especially with repeated injections
Steroids in Severe Sepsis (HYPRESS Trial)
Steroids in Septic Shock:
(statistical significance not assessed)
- Hyperglycemia (≥ 150 mg/dl)
– ARI = 9.4%
– NNTH 10.6 (p=0.009)
– No statistically sig. difference in total insulin administered
- Secondary Infections
– ARI = 4.6%
– NNTH 21.7 (NS)
- Hyperglycemia (≥ 150 mg/dl)
– ARI = 13%
- NNTH 7.7
- Superinfection
- ARI = 5%
- NNTH 20
- New Septic Shock
- ARI = 4%
- NNTH 25
ARI = Absolute Risk Increase
- Annane – Effect of Treatment with Low Doses of Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone on Mortality in Septic Shock (JAMA 2002)
- Secondary Infection
- ARR 1% (NNTB 100)
- Vasopressor-associated harm
- ARI 2% (NNTH 50)
- Hyperglycemia – not reported
- Secondary Infection
- NB: All 3 studies, plus VANISH Trial, showed no mortality increase with steroids
- Annane – Effect of Treatment with Low Doses of Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone on Mortality in Septic Shock (JAMA 2002)
- IV Vitamin C: $88 – 260 for 4-day course (drug only)
- IV Thiamine: $45 for 4-day course (drug only)
- Hydrocortisone: ~ $80 (drug only)
Implementation Options: A Proposal
Patients with Refractory Septic Shock
Severe Sepsis and Non- Refractory Septic Shock
- Already receiving steroids
- No/minimal predicted harm from adding Vitamin C and thiamine
- Reasonable to endorse use in this group
- These patients would not otherwise receive steroids per SSC Guidelines
- Inadequate Evidence- Based literature to justify endorsement
- Therefore, leave to individual practitioners to choose
Some bad news…
- IV Vitamin C has a single producer:

Sepsis Update 2017
Jim Leo, MD [email protected]
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