1. Auscultation is the examination of something by listening with or without an instrument such as a stethoscope.

2. Body language is the conveyance ( sự truyền đạt) of information about a person’s physiological or emotional state by the way he or she moves.

3. To evaluate something is to determine the qualities of its condition or state.

4. An inspection is an organized examination of a patient’s physiological state as compared to what is understood to be normal.

5. An observation is something that someone notices, or the act of noticing something.

6. Palpation is the examination of something by touch.

7. Percussion is the act of tapping on an area of the body such as the chest or abdomen to determine the condition of the underlying bone or tissues.

8. A pulse is a measure of heartbeats in a given period of time. One way to take this measurement is to place the fingers over a major artery in the neck, wrist, or other location and press them against a bone to feel the palpations of the heart as blood moves through the artery.

9. Vital signs are statistical measures of essential body functions such as temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, and respiration.


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